Six smartphones battery myths,busted!

Things that are false about charging your phone,REVEALED!

Without compact rechargeable batteries,our mobile gadgets simply wouldn't exist.But if we're honest,our batteries really aren't that good.Most smartphones,tablets and laptops can barely last through a whole day of use,if that.

"Overcharging" is the word that gets thrown a lot with this one.Cell phones theses days are awfully smart(they don't call them 'smartphones' for nothing). That means that the phone knows when its battery is at full charge when it reaches that point,it stops charging. But if you want it to be at its best the longest,"never run a battery to zero". To get your smartphone battery to last longest,charge it to 80% and recharge it when it hits 20% to avoid stressing the system ,the rule of thumb states.Its like snacking,eating smaller portions several times a day is better than starving and over stuffing.
MYTH #2: Never use your phone while its charging
This is a fear uncertainty and doubt kind of myth that stays alive  not because of any sort of actual evidence.Some people say that using your phone while its charging can make your device explode,catch fire or electrocute you,there is no real danger.
No one like being electrocuted and with that in mind,some have suggested that its unsafe to use a phone if its plugged into the wall.Playing with your phone while it's plugged is totally safe,just so as long you don't use a knock off charger or cheap USB charger.

MYTH #3:You should let your phone's battery fall to 0% before charging.
Complete draining your battery will.make your phone unstable so don't do it.
Draining your phone all the way isn't required to maintain battery life.

So feel free to charge your battery whenever you see  its fit,even in fits and starts.

MYTH #4: Disabling services like bluetooth and location services drastically improves battery life.

One of the rumors still sticking around because it used to be good advice.WIFI and Bluetooth used to latch on to your smartphones battery life like a vampire bat,but today they're nowhere near so bloodthirsty.
Its true that disabling all these or going into airplane mode will save some better life.

However,we are talking a very tiny silver like half an hour over the span of an entire day,so the gains are arguably not with the trouble.Leave the services that you use on the regular running all you want.Your device is designed to handle it.

MYTH #5: You shouldn't use charger of a different brand.
These chargers, while its not optimal,should be avoided.Oh!this one has its roots in what is essentially marketing.
When you get your shiny new phone,odds are pretty good that the manual will tell you to always buy chargers from the dealers company.Of cos they want you to buy their accessories.Duh!its not for the health of your phone,its for profit.Any reputable third party charger should be just fine.There are some exceptions,especially in the case of USB-c cables and some unofficial chargers might not allow for as fast of charging but on most cases a quality third party charger should be just fine with your device.

MYTH #6: Always fully charge a new phone before using it.
Your new phone should be able to use right straight from the purchase box,since most phones are shipped at half capacity
.Many people think that the first thing they should do with a new smartphone is plug it in and charge it to 100%. This is simply a myth.Remember,smartphone batteries work best between 40% to 80% and since most phones ship at half capacity,you should be good to go out of the box.

These are my favorite myths and they are the ones i passed around in forums all the time even by very tech-savvy people.

Which of these myths have you fallen victim to?Let me know in the comment box below!


  1. wah...can't mgn the phone charging n am not using it


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