Things you're doing online that are probably illegal!

Internet law is confusing,constantly changing and we are not lawyers.If you're like most people ,these are the 9 things you're doing online that are probably illegal.
#1: Faking your name.
This one sounds dumb but according to vaguely worded computer fraud and abuse act, faking your name is a no no
#2: Nude photo shenanigans.
If you can't use photoshop to crop your friend head onto a naked person's body, then we are not sure what photoshop is for.
#3: Clicking "save image as".
OK not and some cases ,but the most part image is copyrighted content and you now have the power to distribute.
#4: Uploading a video of you singing happy birthday.
You're not allowed to sing happy birthday in public! Its copyrighted which is why you never see it in movies.
#5: Connecting to unsecured to unsecured,non public wifi.
No its not because its unsafe its because you are stealing internet.
#6: Sneaking into other people email accounts.
One of the most frequent question you might get while you are fixing your crush,girlfriend or boyfriend email is "Can you hack his/her email?"
Or may they forgot to sign out from your device and you are there trying to see if they talk to dudes or even girls and what they have subscribed to.It's wrong!
#7: Under age facebook.
According to its terms and condition you have to be at least 13 years old to register.
#8: Unofficial TV streaming services.
Basically any shoe you're watching for free.
#9: Cyber bullying.
According to title 18,section 875 subsection C of the internet law,this is illegal.


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